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Showing posts from August, 2009

Homegrown Wisconsin CSA Weeks 5-8

Week 5: July 15, 2009 Bunched beets, leafy hardy green, kale, red cabbage, zucchini, mini onions, dill, cucumbers, blackberries The cabbage was excellent. Getting killed by so much dill though. Berries were succulent. Week 6: July 22, 2009 Spring onions, celery, Swiss chard, broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini, mixed beans, common thyme?, two dozen eggs Eggs were awesome as always. No trouble polishing off everything this week, except the herb... Week 7: July 29, 2009 Portabella mushrooms, chives, red new potatoes, carrots, onions, lettuce, fresh garlic, fennel Everything was good except the potatoes and fennel. Got this one just before going on vacation so I brought it all with me. My family could use everything on the trip except for the fennel, the stalk of which tastes like black licorice. Week 8: August 5, 2009 Portabella mushrooms, chives, white new potatoes, carrots, onions, mixed beans, zucchini, fennel, cucumbers I was still out of town for this one so again Jen was kind enough...